Wyatt just celebrated his 12th birthday. We can hardly believe it has been 10 years since his brain tumor diagnosis. We know these past 10 years, full of many happy and loving moments that we dared not even think about when we first got the news, were given to us by many people we have never met. They dedicated their time, effort and money to help these wonderful kids that have been put in such a terrible situation. We can only hope that we are able to carry this torch forward for our son and all the other precious children like him. They all deserve a chance to develop into the wonderful teenagers and adults they have the potential to be. I hope that we can be as determined and fearless at finding a cure for them as they are at facing their daily challenges. We are so proud of the research efforts we have been able to accomplish in the past 10 years with the help of so many selfless people, but it is so critical to continue our efforts now that the wind is at our backs. We know that the last 10 years have been hard for our son, but he never complains. However, as his friends’ lives move along through these carefree years, this young man has a lot on his shoulders. We can only hope we will make him as proud of us as we are of him.